If you have to cancel your registration, please find below Cancellation and Refund Policy which is applied by Vestiyer Publishing Group, VESTA Academy and Knightsbridge Academy. When you register for a course, congress, seminar or education class, you agree to these terms.
The terms for registrations that included only congress, course, education and/or seminar attendance:
Cancellations made 30 days or more in advance of the event date, will incur a 20% fee (of total price) / Cancellations made within 29 - 15 days will incur a 30% fee (of total price) / Cancellations made within 14 - 7 days will incur a 50% fee (of total price) / Cancellation requests made within 6 days of the course date may not receive a refund.
If the course included any session of hands-on cadaver dissections:
Cancellations made 45 days or more in advance of the event date, will incur a 30% fee (of total price) / Cancellations made within 44 - 30 days will incur a 30% fee (of total price) / Cancellation requests made within 29 days of the course date may not receive a refund.
The terms for registrations that included also travel package beside congress, course, education and/or seminar attendance:
Cancellations made 45 days or more in advance of the event date, will incur a 20% fee (of total price) / Cancellations made within 44 - 30 days will incur a 40% fee (of total price) / Cancellations made within 29 - 15 days will incur a 70% fee (of total price) / Cancellation requests made within 14 days of the course date may not receive a refund.