Soft Tissue Management in Modern Implantology: When-Why-How? (Sheep Jaw Hands-on Workshop)
01 Ocak - 01 Ocak 1970

“Invisible Single Tooth Replacement” in the Esthetic zone has been considered for decades one of the pinnacles of Implantology. This procedure embraces surgical aspects of both hard and soft tissue preservation, reconstruction & remodelling.

500.00 EUR ( 541.27 USD - 18535.1 TL )
Kurs + Greatist Fulpaket Katılımı - 500.00 EUR

Eğitim Künyesi

  • Kurs Etiket No
  • Eğitmen(ler)
    Dr Egon Euwe
  • Başlangıç Tarih ve Saati
    01.01.1970 - 02:00
  • Planlanan Bitiş Zamanı
    01.01.1970 - 02:00
  • Bu eğitimi kaçırdınız. Yeni tarih açıklanınca sizi haberdar etmemizi ister misiniz?
  • Şehir
  • Mekân
    Grand Cevahir Kongre Merkezi
  • Öğretim Yöntemi
    Teorik Anlatım, Demonstrasyon ve Uygulama
  • Dil
  • Eğitim Sorumlusu
    İlhan Köse
    +90 555 518 87 27
    [email protected]
  • Kayıt Formu

Eğitime Dair

Implant, connection and abutment design play an Important role as well, and recent Prosthodontic advances in the field metal free CAD CAM technology with materials like Zirconia, Alumina and Lithium Di-Silicate created an Esthetic and Biological breakthrough. Going through the Gingival section from the neck of the implant towards the visible part of the Emerging tooth-like restoration, the team technician-clinician has to position up to four different interfaces between the different components and materials in this 3-4mm of running space. 

They have to widen also substantially the emergence profile going from a narrow connection to a much wider anatomical perimeter crossing different layers of soft tissue, every layer with its own specific characteristics and features. At the end of this process, stable crestal bone levels remain still today one of the most wanted features of successful implant treatment.

The Lecture addresses the key elements on the way to excellence where the different pieces of carefully designed hardware have to respect the layer-specific tissue features to obtain a long-lasting clinical stability.

Keywords: Biologic width, multi-layer soft tissue philosophy, Bottle Neck Emergence profile, Oral, Sulcus and Junctional Epithelium, CT attachment, Crestal Bone, Soft Tissue Thickness, Esthetic Excellence.  

Learning Objectives of Theoretical Session

•    How, when and why to optimize the pink interface 
•    Understanding of the different layers within the biologic width. Teeth Vs Implants 
•    A recipe for stable crestal bone levels
•    A proposal for a bio-friendly emergence profile 

Learning objectives of Practical Session

  • How to create thick keratinized tissue in and around the implants site
  • With the purpose to create the correct space for the biologic width, to enhance esthetics, to create a traction seal and for medium/ long term   maintenance
  • Several surgical procedures including the innovative Disk graft will be performed by the group in a step by step video learning fashion.
  • In between the exercises clinical case presentations on real patients will be shown. This will create the perfect mix between hands on work and direct clinical applications

Course Timetable

  • 1st Stage: Introduction and first surgical presentation /instruments and materials/ exercise/ from sheep to patient
  • 2nd Stage: Surgical presentation/exercise by the group/from sheep to patient lecture/ final Q  and A with conclusions


This “one stone two birds” opportunity gives you the right to attend two events for one price. Once you have registered “Soft Tissue Management in Modern Implantology: When-Why-How?” workshop, you become automatically registered for the 18th GREATIST Professional Dental Meetings & Expo.

You will receive EUR 180.00 valued “Greatist Fullpack Registration Ticket”, free of charge. Your ticket includes the followings:

  • Attendee Badge
  • Access to The Exhibition Area
  • Attending All Lectures in The Main Auditorium
  • Coffee Break Refreshments (All Day, Unlimited)
  • Congress Bag & Guide Book
  • e-Certificate of Attendance
  • Open Buffet Lunch on Friday and Saturday

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